
Sharing excellence

Pure Ancient Trees – Tier 5

Life’s too short for drinking mediocre puerh.




Higher Tier Puerh (Tier 4)


Mr Chen’s Old Tea


Green Mark Tier 4 Series


Chen Yuan Hao


Bi Yun Hao


Lao Ban Zhang


Bao Hong Yin Ji (BHYJ)


Taiwanese Boutique


Premium tea, Great price


Dry Storage Gentlemen


Shou Puerh


Very old Tea


Tasting Flights


Latest Reviews

Michael S.
verified ownerverified owner
3 months ago
verified ownerverified owner
Smooth and easy to drink, harder for me to over brew compared to other teas that have been labelled as from old tea trees etc. Enjoyable and kind of calmness. New to the gongfu wa...
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5 months ago
verified ownerverified owner
This tea cures you of any prejudice you might have harboured towards autumn leaves. All the depth and complexity you would expect in a good Yiwu that age. Wonderfully stored. So cl...
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6 months ago
verified ownerverified owner
11 months ago
verified ownerverified owner
Beet root, cream and vanilla, wood and clean forest floor on the nose. The first brews are mild, but with nice complexity. There is some freshness in the throat and tingling in the...
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11 months ago
Nick M.
verified ownerverified owner
Sweet aromatics, wet leaves in pot smell of mahogany and woody perfume. Very sweet burst of flavour, persistently sweet. It’s upfront and tasty. The soup is dark amber to start wit...
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2 years ago
verified ownerverified owner

Fantastic tea. A thick tea with nice minerality. Still quite green.

2 years ago
verified ownerverified owner
So tasty! The taste and texture of the tea are just satisfying, I can't explain it. I find myself just drinking and drinking, one cup after the next. This could go on endlessly! Th...
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2 years ago
Remo Eerma
verified ownerverified owner
Magical tea ! Instant and 'intense' calming efect, I was transported to the present moment in a flash. Second steeping I felt being washed over like laying in the sea by the beach....
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2 years ago
verified ownerverified owner

Phenomenal strong sweet arrival with strong throat rhyme. Qi is strong.

2 years ago
Luke R
verified ownerverified owner
This is an amazing tea. My first steep was very quick so none of the flavour really came though, but all the same there was something delicious about it. The proper brews convinced...
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2 years ago
verified ownerverified owner
Big thick, great huigan, big camphor and cooling effect. Great stamina. Has the resiny bitterness of an old school processed sheng with the rough edges smoothed out by perfect sto...
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2 years ago


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