
Sharing excellence

EU shipping first order offer

Europe has much less puerh culture than other parts of the western world, and much less availability and higher costs for truly excellent tea.

As I’m originally from an EU country, I feel very strong great tea should be available to us in Europe too, so I’m going to make possible for you to try our quality and great pricing as risk-free as possible:

Shipping time should be 3-5 days for express shipping and 2-3 weeks for standard and there will be a few euro (generally) to pay in custom duty and fees. Given that we really have much lower than average EU pricing, this is not much.

If you’re in the EU, for your first order

  • I’ll send a free sample of a T3 or higher tea (probably worth more than custom duty, VAT and fees, assuming paying by debit/credit card)
  • If your order qualified for free shipping, I’ll also pay the custom duty and fees for you! (In the form of a voucher usable for any tea on the website at a later date)

You don’t need to do anything on checkout, and when you’ve paid the duty and fees please send a picture and we’ll send you the voucher soon after!

I hope this can help great puerh culture develop in Europe (and the UK, we also don’t have much!) as much as in the US, and many people can enjoy its benefits.

— Paolo

There are no tariffs on tea we send from the UK.