
Sharing excellence

  • Old tree Yiwu with traditional processing
  • Thick, smooth soup with good aftertaste left in the mouth
  • Strong mouthfeel, traditional blend of savoury-bitter-sweet
  • Perfect dry taiwanese storage

After a period of over 6 months where we tried many of LuLiZhen teas (from the puerh-history-changing 95-96 Zhen Chun Ya Hao, early 2000s cakes and most of his 2007-2013 Yiwu old tree production), we’ve selected this has one of the best cakes with excellent development in the aging process.

Overall a pretty refined, complex tea with good attributes in all aspects (evolution, mouthfeel, aftertaste, smoothness, etc) and a nice settling/calming typical old tree Yiwu Qi to match. A very good balance between the elegance of LuLiZhen Yiwu teas and strength of semi-aged factory teas.

From the same storage and source of our critically acclaimed 2001-2002 CYH Yiwu, these cakes are on a similar aging trajectory at an even friendlier price (this cake is old tree and not ancient tree, but still the quality/price is really high).

~100g cakes, minimal weight loss over the years.


25 grams, 1/4 slice, full cake, 1 tong


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