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  • 1 single BIG extra tall (gaogan) ancient tree in the forest
  • Most powerful in Yiwu Guoyoulin
  • Very strong sweet, bitter, flavour density, aftertaste
  • Fully enveloping Qi
  • Intense wild forest complex aromas
  • Big tree (XL) version: even sweeter, smoother and deeper

This is the purest form of the most exciting of the “newly discovered” Yiwu tea areas: the strength of TianMenShan extra tall (gao gan) forest trees makes it a tea that marries the best of the classic Yiwu taste: thick, rich, silky and the best of Menghai/Banzhang: pure power, sweetness and richness. + the wild forest strength of the puerh growing in most pristine areas.

The Qi is not just strong but both the mind and body feel fully comfortable, one of the cleanest teas you can get (TMS is very far off any infrastructure) and a very rare opportunity to try tea from a single extra tall tree in this amazing tea area.

In this big tree version (the tree is not just extra tall but also has big girth) it’s also very smooth, combining smoothness and strength in the apex of single tree Puerh experience. For expert drinkers, this is not a tea you want to miss in your life. For everybody else, you probably won’t know what hit you when you drink it, it’s a pretty unique experience.

How old are these trees?

All tree ages are approximations, and one should always doubt when an age is given as a single number. There are no certain scientific methods to identify the age of a tea tree. The only possible way to tell how old (and healthy) a certain tree is is by drinking its leaves and comparing it to its neighbours: the older the tree is, the thicker the soup and the more comfortable the ChaQi and your body in general.

The consensus among the most reliable tea experts about the age of the oldest standard puerh varietal trees in Yiwu/6 Famous mountains tea area is approx. 500-800 years. However people, even experts, have very different opinions about what age of tree is in a specific area.

So there always is uncertainty in this topic and we won’t pretend otherwise, we simply say: If you or your favourite expert think there are 500+ years old in Yiwu/Manzhuan, this is one such tree. This is type 1 gushu, the best category of ancient tree available in the area. Best largely means oldest, but healthiest/biggest is also very important.

You can find more details about reference tree ages on the Benchmark ancient tree introduction under “Age of trees”.

Puerh.uk Benchmark Ancient Tree Series Introduction
  • The best possible ancient tree tea that can be obtained in a given specific garden
  • Our most significant contribution to making available a type of puerh that was not available before
  • Super strict quality criteria (standard puerh varietal only, classic puerh areas only, 1st spring pick, extremely clean environment, ancient trees that have never been cut, healthiest and biggest trees only chosen for single trees production)

The best tea is not for sale, it’s available only through relationships. Tier 5 is about 0.01% of available Puerh, with ancient tree leaves only with all taste qualities present in overwhelming amount, tea that is basically only found in elite asian circles and via private connections.

Benchmark ancient tree Puerh is a subset of Tier 5, and particularly means: this is highest expression of ancient tree puerh from a specific garden, so it can be used as “benchmark” to tell whether other puerh is truly ancient tree or not.

Puerh of this quality has never been made before in history (only in the last 10 years), this is the most exciting frontier of tea at the moment as far as we’re concerned. Please see the full Benchmark ancient tree introduction page for more info.

30g ceramic jars (a bit more than 1oz) containing chunks of cake, 200g cakes.


30g jar, 200g cake


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